Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Welcome to our blog!

Well here I am, starting yet another blog. I hope I can keep this up long enough to not forget about it. I have literally started 3 blogs now and have forgotten about them! Silly me. Maybe blogs just aren't my thing... ANYWAY... What has been going on in our family lately, you ask? Where do I start?

We moved to Orem this last September when I was hugely pregnant. Tim started school at UVU as a dance major and he is doing very well! He made it onto CDE (Contemporary Dance Ensemble) and he has grown so much. I love to go see him dance. Ah, just beautiful. He finished last semester with a 3.9 GPA. This semester is almost over and I can only guess that his GPA will be just as high.

I had our little baby William in October, (we call him Willie or Willster... sometimes we just call him Willst... too weird?). He is just the happiest little guy. I can't believe how smiley he is! He is the love of our lives. Everyday, I look at him and my love for him grows even higher than the day before. He is almost 6 months old now. I can't believe how fat he is. Seriously. We have a fat baby on our hands. I love it.

I am currently working a couple hours a week teaching dance. It's a good hobby for now. I just got done directing The Wizard of Oz at a children's theatre. And can I say, NOTHING warms my heart as much as children doing theatre. I cried at every performance. I couldn't help it. I love their little voices and their cute faces they make when they act. Oh my goodness. So cute. I was one proud director.

Tim and I are going to be performing at Lagoon this summer. We are quite excited. Tim is going to be working full time and I will be working part time. Come see us! We're in the Broadway show entitled, Shubert Alley. I think they have some great talent this year!

Overall, we are one happy family. There has been so many changes in the last year for us and although they were hard at times, we are grateful for them. We have such supportive family and friends that have helped us learn through these crazy times and to you, we say thank you.

And just for fun, I put up my favorite video of Willie.  Enjoy.